We are ranked  in Shotokan Karate, but many years ago when we first started teaching we decided if someone showed us a technique that worked we would try it with our students and if it worked we would incorporate it into what we teach.  We have done this over the years and developed a system that includes many styles and systems.  Our instructors hold rank or have trained extensively in Kyusho Jutsu, Shotokan, Isshinryu, Tae Kwon Do, Special Forces Training, Judo, Jujitsu, Small Circle Jujitsu, ground fighting, Stick fighting, and other systems and styles.  We will teach you how to defend yourself, not just do a lot of pretty moves that you do not understand.  Below is a list of our instructors and their training.

Founders - Y. A. Smith, Jr - 6th degree black belt and Young A. Smith III - 6th degree black belt
Sensei Y. A. started his martial arts training while serving in The USAF.  He studied Judo and was a member of the Goose Bay Air Force Base Judo Team.  After his discharge from the military he studied with others, but got serious in his martial arts studies when he and his son Young had the honor to train in Shuri-ryu with Grand Master Yozan (Dirk) Mosig who was a great influence on both of us.  After Grand Master  Mosig moved we began to study Shotokan Karate and than the company Y. A. worked with decided to start transfering the family all over so we studied what ever was available, which included Isshinryu, Kungfu, and other systems.  After being transfered to Jacksonville we studied Shotokan Karate under Sensei Doug Walker, Sensei Don Steiner, and Sensei George Torres where we received our Black Belt.  After training with them over ten years we were honored to begin training under Grand Master Jack Hogan.  Through Grand Master Jack Hogan we have been honored to train with such greats as Professor Remy Presas, Professor Wally Jay, and many others.  We continue that tradition under Grand Master David Hogan where we hold an instrustor level one in Kyusho.  We are  certified to teach Professor Paul Lam's Tai Chi for Osteoporosis, and hold a Professorship under Grand Master Jim Long the founder of Ate Kai Karate Jutsu Federation.  Sensei Young also holds an instructor level in Modern Arnis.

Senior Instructors - Adrian Birch - 5th degree black belt and Gregory Hicks -5th degree black belt
Sensei Adrian Birch -  Sensei Adrian started his martial arts training in England in the 70's.  He trained in Kung Fu, Wado Ryu Karate, and Aikido.  He started with Young's Karate in 2007.  He received his 5th degree black belt at Young's Karate in October 2018.  He also holds a Professorship under Grand Master Jim Long, the founder of Ate Kai Karate Jutsu Federation.  Sensei Adrian has trained in many other systems that have been offered through seminars.

Sensei Gregory Hicks - Sensei Gregory began his martial arts training in Karado under his father.  He received his black belt in 1977  in Tae Kwon Do from Sensei Jim Davis, 5th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.  He trained with members of the Navy Seabees, Seals, and Marine Corp.  In 1983 he began training under Grand Master George Chaney, 10th degree red belt, President of the Armed Forces Karate Association.  Sensei Chaney assigned sensei Gregory to train the Army Infantry Airborne, Air Force Special Forces, and the Air Police in hand to hand combat and wartime self defense(kill tactics).  He became a member of Young's Karate in 2002, opened a branch school in Live Oak for several years.  When he moved back to Jacksonville he started teaching at Young's Karate again.  He has also trained in Ishinryu, Kempo, Kendo, Ninjitsu, and Cun Tau.  Sensei Gregory has trained in many other systems that have been offered through seminars.

Senseis -  Frank Cates, 1st degree black belt - Kenneth Camp, 1st degree black belt - Franklin Camp, 1st degree black belt
​​​​​​Sensei Frank Cates, Sensei Kenneth Camp, and Sensei Franklin Camp all began their training in February 2013 and received their black belt in October of 2018.   Sensei Cates also holds a brown belt in Kenpo Karate.   All are ranked in Shotokan Karate, but have had extensive training in other styles in seminars and during their years of training at Young's Karate.  ​​​​​​​This group has trained together for years, we at Young's are proud of them.  Kenneth and Franklin are Father and Son and are very proud to have trained together. 

Sensei - Mark Gibson 1st degree black belt 
Sensei Mark is ranked in Shotokan Karate from another school and is now cross training into the Young's Karate System and also trains in different systems in seminars.

We encourage families to take classes together.  Every instructor at Young's started thier training with their child.  To steal a quote "The family that kicks together stays together"